Kenneth Gibble, PE
Ken Gibble graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with a Bachelors of Science in Architectural engineering before going on to get two masters' degrees, the first in Structural and Ocean Engineering for the University of Rhode Island and the second in Organizational Psychology from the University of New haven.
Ken served as a Lieutenant in the United State Naval Reserve as a training officer in the Underwater Swimmers School specializing in Explosive Ordinance Disposal.
After his time in the USNR, Ken worked for a brief time with Stanely Tool Works before going on to start his own firm. This firm would eventually become Gibble, Norton, Champion, Brown (GNCB)
Ken was one of the founders of the Structural Engineers Coalition of Connecticut and was heavily involved in the writing and production of the state’s first Special Inspections Program which would later be adopted by the State Building Inspector.
Ken has taught as a guest lecturer at Yale University on the topics of Fire Safety Design and Systems Integration. He also served on the Board of Advisors at the University of Hartford’s Construction Institute.

John Ruddy, PE
John Ruddy graduated from the University of Dayton in 1965 and from the Cleveland State University in 1971. John began his Connecticut Structural engineer journey with Fletcher Thompson where he rose through the ranks to become Chief Structural Engineer and CEO. He was awarded the Clemens Hershel Award for his ASCE Lecture Series Notes titled, "Evaluation of Structural Concepts for Buildings" in 1988. In 1993, he was elected to the Fletcher Thompson Board of Directors. In 1998, John joined Structural Affiliates International in Nashville Tennessee as their Chief Operations Officer. John finished his career as a consultant for the American Institute of Steel Construction in Washington, D.C. John passed away of brain cancer in 2008 at the age of 66.

Richard DiSalvo, PE
Frank Zamecnik, PE
Phil Burton, PE
Emile Troup, PE
Emile Troup earned a bachelors degree in civil engineering from Northeastern University and a master’s degree in structural engineering from the University of Illinois. He served as chief soils engineer in Vietnam for the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers during 1966. Subsequently he was principal research engineer in fire protection with Factory Mutual Research Corporation from 1967 to 1974. He served as regional engineer with AISC in New England from 1974 to 1986. Emile served as president of NCSEA from 1998 to 1999. He is past president of the Boston Society of Civil Engineers Section/ASCE and is a trustee of The Engineering Center Education Trust in Boston. He has served as chair of the SEI/ASCE TAD Structures Congress Administrative Committee, a member of the ASCE Committee on Design of Steel Building Structures, and served as the publications secretary for the Committee on Metals from 1978 to 1981. He is a member of the Boston Association of Structural Engineers (BASE), Council of American Structural Engineers (CASE), New England Building Code Association, Research Council on Structural Connections and AISC's National Steel Construction Conference Planning Committee

James J. Rongoe, PE
Jim Rongoe graduated from the University of Virginia with a BS in Civil Engineering in 1971 and completed his graduate studies at Columbia and Hofstra Universities in 1974. In 1980, Jim established Rongoe Engineers, LLC where he worked until his retirement. Jim was involved with the Connecticut Code Advisory Committee and served on the International Building Code Structural Advisory Committee. Throughout his career, Jim sat on numerous technical committees with ASCE, AISC, NCSEA and ICC. He has published many papers and journal articles including, "Design Guideline for Continuous Beams Support Joist Roof Structures". In 1985 Jim was awarded the Lincoln Arc Welding award. Jim was instrumental in the early formation of the Structural Engineers Coalition of Connecticut and was inducted in the Connecticut Engineers Hall of Fame. Jim was awarded the James Delahey Award for his work on the Building code. Jim passed away in 2012 at the age of 64.
Robert O. Disque, PE
Robert Disque graduated Northwestern University in 1946 with a BS in Civil Engineering and from Drexel University with his Masters in Civil Engineering in 1950. Following work as a Structural Design Engineer in Philadelphia and New York City, he joined the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) in 1959 as District Engineer in Pittsburgh. He was promoted to Chief Engineer in 1963 at AISC headquarters in NYC. In 1980 Bob, joined the engineering faculty at the University of Maine as Associate Professor where he taught Structures and Steel Design. He rejoined AISC Headquarters in 1981. Bob was widely published during his professional career, including the text, "Applied Plastic Design in Steel" in 1971 and co-authoring the text, "Load and Resistance Design in Steel" with Lou Geshwinder in 1994. After retiring from AISC in 1992, he came to Connecticut where he worked with Gible Norton Champion Brown (GNCB) until his retirement. The 15th Edition of the AISC Steel Construction Manual is dedicated in his memory to, "Mr. Steel". Bob passed away in 2023 at the age of 97.