Event Registration will close Thursday Jan. 30th!
SPHERE at the Venetian is an 18,000-seat state-of-the-art multimedia venue in Las Vegas containing the world's highest resolution LED screen (engulfing the entire seating bowl) and Audio Beam Forming Technology, both of which deliver a uniquely immersive experience for the audience. Additionally, the exosphere is clad in about 60 miles of LED puck strands, which fully illuminates the 600,000 square-feet exterior envelope and allows for advertising, as well as the enhancement of any outdoor experience. The 515-foot diameter semi-spherical venue structure is entirely enclosed within the exosphere, which itself is the largest spherical structure on Earth, rising some 366-feet from its foundations.
Steve Reichwein, PE, SE from Severud will lead an in-depth discussion on the design and construction considerations of the venue’s main superstructure, dome roof, suspended grillage system, and the exosphere. Particular emphasis will be paid on how the use of parametric design, structural steel, and cast-in-place concrete enabled the construction of this venue and its unique aspects.
We will also be awarding the SEAConn Lifetime Achievement award to Jim DeStefano, P.E., AIA for his years of tireless service and dedication to both the Structural Engineers Association of Connecticut and the practice of structural engineering as a whole through his career!
The meeting will be hosted at Brazi's Italian Restaurant in New Haven, CT located at 201 Food Terminal Plaza, New Haven, CT on Wednesday February 5th from 5:30 pm to 9pm.
Cost of attendance is for SEAConn Members is $75.00.
Nonmember price is $85.00.
Entrée options are
1. Eggplant Parmigiana - Battered eggplant topped with our own tomato sauce, baked with mozzarella
2. Brazi-Style Chicken - stuffed with broccoli rabe & cheese, rolled in egg batter, sautéed in a lemon white wine sauce and topped with wild mushrooms.
3. Stuffed Shrimp
We look forward to seeing you!